Cet article a fait l’objet d’une actualisation en 2019 avec un septième modèle. Veuillez cliquer sur : Recouvrement Export / Pratique : Sept modèles de lettres de relance en anglais
On notera que la fermeté s’accentue au fur et à mesure des envois, entre la lettre de relance n° 1 et la lettre de relance n° 6.
Lettre n° 1
September 30, 2011
John Doe and Co
1234 South Fifth
Anywhere, UK
Dear sirs :
We enclose our statement of account showing an amount overdue for payment of : £ 50 000,00
Invoice n° date of invoice amount
Alternative : ( Our records show that the following invoices are past due) :
We would appreciate a prompt payment on receipt of this letter.
If you have already, please ignore this notice.
Lettre n° 2
October 15, 2011
John Doe and Co
1234 South Fifth
Anywhere, UK
Dear Sirs :
You did not respond to our first reminder of your overdue balance of £ 50 000.00 .
If there is a reason for the delay, please let us know. Otherwise, a prompt payment will be much appreciated.
Lettre n° 3
October 25, 2011
John Doe and Co
1234 South Fifth
Anywhere, UK
Dear Sirs :
Despite previous reminders, we are still carrying forward an overdue balance of :
£ or $ or… as shown below.
We are most concerned that we have not heard from you with your payment or reason why it has not been sent.
Would you kindly give this account your immediate attention.
Lettre n° 4 (final demand)
November 5, 2011
John Doe and Co
1234 South Fifth
Anywhere, UK
Dear Sirs :
We are sorry to note that despite our previous reminders this account remains unpaid and no reason has been advised to us for non – payment.
We must therefore inform you that unless we receive your payment in full settlement, by Swift transfer, within 10 days of the date of this letter, we shall be forced to take such action as may be necessary to collect the balance owing.
Yours faithfully
Lettre n° 5 (peut être utilisée mixée avec la 4, dépend des circonstances et de l’organisation crédit de l’entreprise)
Dear Sirs :
Despite our reminders, this account remains unpaid long after it became due.
Please, note that unless your payment is received by Swift transfer, within 10 days from the date of this letter, we will have no other option that to take the following actions :
All other credit facilities will be withdrawn, and we will demand without any further notice immediate payment of all debts, whether outstanding or not.
Any further deliveries will be conditioned to full settlement of your debts.
We shall transfer your account as a bad debt to our credit insurers. (si assuré crédit, bien sûr !)
We shall immediately instruct our lawyers in your country to take Court actions to recover the debts and the costs of such actions will be added to the balance owing on this account.
Lettre n° 6 (demande de détails à un client qui prétend avoir payé)
Dear Sirs :
Thank you for your letter dated……. in which you said your account has been paid. We have checked our records carefully but cannot trace this payment.
Would you be so kind as to return this letter with the following requested informations :
Precise amount of payment
Date of payment
Type of payment
Bank cable transfer
If appropriate, Bank name to whom the payment has been made.
De nombreux autres conseils pratiques et modèles de rédaction de textes relatifs à des opérations de commerce international (crédits documentaires, lettre de crédit standby, garanties…) sont disponibles dans nos dossier pdf ci-dessous :
Et n’oubliez pas, Le Moci publie également d’autres guides pratiques :
– Le guide des formations initiales et continues au commerce international
– Guide de l’accompagnement à l’export pour les PME et ETI
– Atlas des risques pays – 12e édition, 2021
– L’export en 10 étapes : Guide à l’usage des entrepreneurs